Thursday, July 17, 2008

"The truth is that everything is a miracle and a wonder."---Rabbi Barukh

Raising children and being a mother is hard but the most fulfilling work. Each day can bring an unexpected wonder, or a small heartache.

Each child has a unique personality of his/her own, which reminds me of Kahlil Gibran, who said in The Prophet..." You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts."

I also read an article at Reader's Digest that sums up that children are like dogs, obedient, loyal and want to be close by, while teen-agers are like cats, haughty, do not seem to care, and want to be left alone. However, when they reach the age of about 19 or so, they act like dogs again. Maybe...

Now that all of our children are grown...they are caring, thoughtful, and generous. We are always grateful to God for the blessings of our children.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"...Our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives."-Deepak Chopra

"It is the intention behind your giving and receiving that is the most important thing." -Deepak Chopra

My native country has been ravaged again by a strong typhoon and the disastrous sinking of a ship. So many precious lives were lost, and properties and livelihoods damaged! I could feel their pain.

As one who is so far away, I could only offer my prayers for them and give a little, hoping to ease a bit of their hardship.

My native country is so beautiful, so full of resources, but natural and man-made disasters, including corruption, contribute to its slow progress. God bless the Philippines!